Hi everyone,
It feels strange to be adding my first blog post during this time of global crisis—much as it feels odd to be doing anything normal. But I’m grateful for another way to engage directly with readers and I believe with my whole heart that connection with others is one of the things that helps us through moments (or weeks and months) of uncertainty. So…how are you? I hope at the very least that you and your family are safe and healthy. I know that can’t be true for all of us and I’m sending the biggest hugs out into the world right now.
Although as a writer I’m used to being a true homebody, right now I have teenagers with me and a husband who works in the hospitals (not on the front lines and I’m grateful to everyone who has to be out there in any capacity right now). The emotions come in waves and I do my best to focus on the present moment and what I can control—and also on not eating everything I’m stress baking in one sitting!
We’re lucky to live on a small patch of open space as being outside always helps me feel good. As do the 5 little kittens we’re fostering at the moment—kittens are VERY distracting. What are you doing to take care of yourself at this time? My biggest lesson so far is being gentle with myself and others and I hope you’re finding a way to do the same.
I’ll be talking more next week about The Magnolia Sisters release and I look forward to connecting with you either here or on Facebook and Instagram.
Love, Michelle